Upcoming Events

Building community is an integral part of creating this new model together. So while we are here every day to help you reduce and reuse; we also love being able to offer opportunities to connect, learn, and deepen our roots! Here are a list of upcoming events and how to participate & where you'll find us around town:

Sunday March 16th 4:30-6pm: Growing Green, Sustainable Kitchen Gardening with Rachael Carter of Floraculture Gardens: This workshop is always a fan favorite and sells out really early! Stay tuned for tickets. Sign up to get our emails to be the first to know.

Tuesday March 18th 6-8pm: Postcard Writing Campaign for Environmental Voter Project:  We'd love for you to join us for an evening of community and postcard writing! The EVP is a research-based initiative that identifies environmentalists who are unlikely to vote in certain elections, and our role is to send hand-written postcards encouraging them to vote (not how to vote). We will provide postcards, and all of the information (including a mini-training at the start of the session), and postcards stamps as needed. If you are able to provide postage, please select that option. This is a fun & easy way to get involved & enjoy good company. Sign up to help us gauge how many post card stamps we need to provide here

Calling all Young Artists/Environmentalists! 

Walking Lightly Kids Art Contest: Share what taking care of the planet means to you, or why it matters!


  • Please return artwork by Thursday April 24th

  • Please use 11”x17” paper provided at the shop

  • For best displays, please leave ½” margins free of important design elements.

  • One entry per participant

  • Please do not write names on front of artwork, instead please include name and age on bottom portion of this slip and attach it to artwork submitted. 

Note: By submitting your artwork, you agree to allow Walking Lightly to post pictures of artwork on website & social media, and to display artwork at the shop. Social Media posts may include artwork in conjunction with text or quotes, all in-line with Walking Lightly’s mission. Art credit will be displayed as first name of artist and age, unless another request is made. We aren’t really picking a ‘winner’ we are just looking to share our community’s youngest environmentalists’ art and inspiration!

EARTH MONTH CELEBRATION! We'll be sharing about our Earth Month Celebrations soon, but save the date for Saturday April 26th - and stay tuned!